
Welcome to Fluoride Free WA Inc.

Fluoride Free WA Inc (FFWA) is a non-profit educational and advocacy organisation dealing with issues of fluoride toxicity and the medical ethics relating to mandatory water fluoridation.

Like many health experts worldwide, FFWA believes dental decay should beBaby Drinking tackled through education and a healthy lifestyle, not through medication of public drinking water with an industrial waste product (H2SiF6).

Today, more than ever, people are becoming increasingly aware of known environmental health issues. FFWA Inc believes health begins with pure water.

Since WA parliament introduced Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1966, there has been a growing body of evidence demonstrating the harmful health effects of consuming fluoride, with many communities around the world opting out of this practice every year.

Most recently several major US and Canadian studies have shown a decrease in the cognitive function of children, (more information below).

The Science – Increasing evidence of fluoride’s neurotoxicity

There are many negative health impacts on the human body, most alarmingly are the neurotoxic effects on children.

August 2019

Evidence of the neurotoxic effects of fluoride on the developing brain is growing monthly. Following the Bashash et al 2017 study, linking lowered IQ of children to pregnant mother’s urine fluoride levels, a Canadian study, Green et al August 2019, found very similar results. Comparing the urine fluoride levels of pregnant women in un-fluoridated and fluoridated cities in Canada, researchers found maternal intake of water containing less than 0.7 mg/L fluoride during pregnancy is associated with reduced cognitive ability in the offspring.

September 2019

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Sept 2019, maps Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to communities with fluoridated public drinking water. The authors mapped ASD in European countries with and without public water fluoridation. The authors concede other factors may be involved, but the fluoride link is there.

October 2019

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) in USA, October 2019, published a draft review, Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects. With 82 human studies linking fluoride to neurotoxicity, the NTP wrote:

“…fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans. This conclusion is based on a consistent pattern of findings in human studies across several different populations showing that higher fluoride exposure is associated with decreased IQ or other cognitive impairments in children.”

Presumed is a very significant description. The NTP only use five possible categories to describe hazard to humans, these are, Alleged, Possible, Potential, Presumed and Definite. A definite category is only given after a full clinical trial, which will never be allowed for fluoride.

November 2019

A report published in Environmental International, compared the IQ of children fed with baby formula reconstituted with fluoridated tap water, to formula-fed children living in unfluoridated areas. A 0.5 mg increase in fluoride intake from infant formula corresponded to an 8.8-point decrement in Performance IQ. The authors conclude, “Exposure to increasing levels of fluoride in tap water was associated with diminished non-verbal intellectual abilities; the effect was more pronounced among formula-fed children”.

What can we do?

What can people do to help change the incorrect assumption that fluoridation chemicals are safe and effective? Here are a few suggestions:

We appreciate your contribution. With your help we can reach a tipping point of knowledge and make lasting change in WA and Australia.

Thank you, the Fluoride Free WA team.



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