Thank you, Vince Catania MLA


Thank you, Vince Catania MLA

Fluoride Free WA Inc. gratefully acknowledges assistance provided by The Nationals WA Member for North West Central, Vince Catania MLA.

Mr. Catania’s responsiveness to constituents’ concerns has played a key role in persuading the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Committee (FPWSAC) not to recommend fluoridation of the Carnarvon public water supply.

On 15 August 2018 Mr. Catania tabled in the Legislative Assembly a petition of 412 Western Australians for repeal of the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1966.

In addition, Mr. Catania recently has contributed to transparency in government by asking the Minister for Health Questions on Notice in relation to fluoridation of public water supplies: