Fluoride Free WA Inc Petition 2019
In recent years, Fluoride Free WA Inc (FFWA Inc) have submitted petitions to end the practice of Water Fluridation in WA. In the recent Canadian study, Green et al August 2019, found very similar results to the Bashash et al 2017 study. It compared the urine fluoride levels of pregnant women in un-fluoridated and fluoridated cities, and found maternal intake of water containing less than 0.7 mg/L fluoride during pregnancy is associated with reduced cognitive ability in the offspring.
FFWA Inc have requested the Health Minister in writing to direct the Department of Health to advise pregnant women to avoid or limit ingestion of fluoride in order to manage the risk of cognitive decline in children. The Minister was also asked to introduce legislation requiring water supply companies to print on each invoice the fluoride content of the water to which the invoice pertains. The minister did not reply, but a staffer did. All points raised were largely ignored.
As such FFWA Inc have prepared the below printable petition.
It requires full name, full current address and signature for it to be counted. The signed petitions can be mailed to the address at the bottom of the form, photo copies are not counted.